Hello again! This is the rewritten post mentioned in "Clarification on previous post".
Here, we'll be discussing the shift in ownership and recent news, among other miscellaneous things.
To start off, as mentioned, ownership of UNDERTALE: LAST BREATH has been fully shifted to @fazvinyl
Zerjox recently left the internet as a result of "harrassment" (that will be elaborated on after this post in a second, dedicated post), and gave ownership of the project to Faz.
(To make a long story short on Zerjox though, he had multiple, extremely sexual conversations with a multitude of minors. Among other, equally immoral things.)
After gaining ownership, Faz quickly made changes in how the team operates, and the vision for the game.
Most notably, the story has been altered fairly drastically in various places to better represent it's characters.
And with that, large portions of all content past Chapter One have been entirely rewritten ground up.
As said prior, Faz also made some changes with the team.
Mostly inviting some new members (who will be named shortly after this), and importantly adding two new directors to the project as well. (@LuciiiDLL & @FPL
With that, the project now has three main directors in total.
Faz, Luciii, and FPLester.
Who, will now introduce themselves.
I’m Mr. Fazbear. ( Known mostly as Comic. )
I am the new owner of UNDERTALE: LAST BREATH.
Most of you have probably seen my previous work, such as: UNDERSWAP: SCARLET FLARE, DUSTBELEF: Murderer’s Path (Upcoming), And UNDERTALE: ICEBOUND. (In the past)
Now, what I’ll be doing for the project:
I will be handling most of the story revisioning alongside Lucana, and FPLester, as it was my biggest problem with the original.
I’m going to make sure that the community is in a lot more touch with the game, as it wasn’t really clear on what was going on in the past for ULB.
I want to make everyone happy, and give them what they have been waiting for.
I want to give ULB the charm it once had.
And with the team that I’ve arranged, I know for sure that we’ll pull through."
"Hihiii! I'm Lucana.DLL/Luciii.DLL!
Some of you may recognize/know me from some other projects, mainly Undertale ICEBOUND, CALL OF THE VOID, and DUSTTALE: LAST GENOCIDE.
I'm here to tell you what exactly I'll be doing as one of the new directors of the project.
Myself, alongside Mr.Fazbear and FPLester will be in charge of the bulk of the writing work, more specifically, the rewriting of the project as a whole.
I will also be in charge of writing some of the new dialogue involved in the game to the standards I uphold in all my other projects, as well as writing
the majority of the team-wide story document so we have everything nice and organized.
Furthermore, as a director, I'm going to try my best to interact with the community. Its not something I usually do as I prefer sticking to the shadows, but
I'll try my best!"
"Hey, I'm FPLester.
I'm not a very well known creator in the UTDR sphere, especially here on Gamejolt.
With that, it's no surprise some of you may be wondering just who I am, and more importantly what I'll be doing for the project.
I'll be composing a good chunk of the soundtrack, with help from our other musicians.
I'm also handling the bulk of the revisions for the story with the help of Faz and Lucana, I've been making most of the major changes.
Next to that, I'm also going to try my best to manage the community as well.
I'm not very familiar with how it was before, as I'm a new face here, but I'd imagine it wasn't the best given circumstances at the time.
I'll make sure I'm open, clear, and active with you guys as best as possible, because I wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for you.
Generally, I want both the team and community to be welcoming, friendly places.
It's better if everyone's having a good time.
So, I'll do my best to ensure that.
Both that, and that we live up to expectations.
And, with the help of both Faz and Lucana, I trust we can do just that."
Now, with the director's introductions out of the way, let's get into other news.
Starting with new team members!
Along with Lucii and FPLester joining the project, we also have a few more.
Listed in order of them joining the server;
@Pilar_ - Writer
@TweeterTweers - Artist
@Spiciii - Writer
@MariGoId - Artist
@Musaniac - Musician
@MemeForce - Artist
And, with that, we also have a returning member, too.
Someone who's return may be very exciting for some people.
With all the new faces brought to the team, we are also very happy to announce the return of @Benlab as a musician.
Benlab's style breathed life and originality into Legacy ULB, and was one a major factor in why it was so well received.
While he won't be returning too seriously, he will be appearing on some tracks again.
On another, more serious note, later on we plan to thoroughly address and explain the many actions, questionable or immoral, of Zerjox.
Many screenshots have been spread around about Zerjox, and we want to give people the full story so everyone can grasp the situation better.
As we said in "Clarification on previous post", we do not condone anything he did, and agree the things he did were completely terrible.
We want to be absolutely transparent that we wish to distance ourself from Zerjox's name, and plan to go in a new direction moving forward.
There's no ETA on this post, as the main person writing it (FPLester) is making sure to properly research everything, and get the message as clear as possible.
We strongly thank you for your continued support throughout all of this, it's one of the main things keeping us pushing.
We'll try and keep you updated, but for now, it's time to close the statement.
Thank you for your time.