Changing the game map, and my first attempts at creating a boss from Cassia the Pronghorn
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Transformation of residents into monsters
All week I have been working on writing dialogues, so the only thing I can show you is this…
Here are some screenshots so you don't think I'm dead
I think I will be posting screenshots of what I was able to achieve in a week. Of course, I won't post everything, as there may be spoilers.…
Всем привет! Простите за долгое отсутствие. Хотим вас порадовать изменениями MDT: Новая физика, Улучшенная, система боя, Новая система получения урона, Дополнительные анимации персонажей, Новое строение локаций, Редизайн части текстур и иконок
Version: 0.2.1
A level in the nightmare world
In this video I show snippets of the level and enemies in Nightmare…
//////////////////////////////////////////// 15.11.2022
Happy New Year to everyone!
Всех с наступающим новым годом!
Hello everyone Sorry for the long absence. We want to please you with the changes to MDT: New physics, Improved combat system, New damage system, Additional character animations, New location structure, Redesign of some textures and icons.
Version: 0.11.5 [Mobius dark times Tails story]