Angela: Alright, I'll go get ready. *she gets her weapon, the Divine sword on her weapon stand*
Angela: Let's go.
Me: Alright.
*depart to find any more corrupted enemies*
*An mysterious figure heads down on the mountain, ready to attack also*
*Angela whirlwind slash on enemies, sending shockwaves that damaged them, she's tired*
Angela: Damnit...
Me: Already Tired!? Oh goddamnit!
*I continue fighting the corrupted enemies, and got exhausted*
*4 enemies head to surround the 2 of them, until...*
*4 enemies are burned or frozen to death*
Me: Who in the name of...
*the cowboy appeared, Dark appeared with the Flame and Blizzard Guns*
Dark: Now what are you hiding? Huh?
*Dark remembered how me and him we're buddies before*
Dark: I remember you, buddy.
*more corrupted enemies appearing*
Dark: But I have busy things to work on now.
*dark started attacking enemies with fast reload, quick react to attack enemies, and last one is done.*
Dark: Excellent, they're cleared.
Angela: Heh, what a relief.
(To be continued)
???: What's this..? A Sorcerer with a cowboy and a Angel..?
*she was interested with the expression*
???: Fine. Make sure I wanted that sorcerer alive.
(@Darkvolt , @colorfes-miku
, @takwa764