11 years ago

Character design for CHIGUN - Clay Pixel Art.

Hey Folks! Just posting up a short post explaining how we got the characters to look the way we did. Hope you enjoy!

The original characters for our game CHIGUN were simple pixel art. I MEAN REAL SIMPLE:


We’d thought about doing claymation but knew if we didn’t get in a decent animator it’d be difficult to keep the animation cycles connecting cleanly and the number of frames for smooth animation would likely drag the speed of the game down.

So, me and Tyler decided to keep the same animations as the pixel art but make the characters more detailed by re-creating them in clay.

We made a bunch of tiny clay cubes for each pixel (there’s meant to be 13 in the gif but one of the kids I teach ran off with one of them and crushed it under his shoe -_-)


We then used basic stop motion simulated here to animate the legs of the CHIGUN.


The basic animations were taken into photoshop and were given an additional layer of loveliness e.g. colour/feet/fingers/markings on the gun.


So what we have for our final game is:


We may be experimenting some more with using engraved characters, but it all depends on if it’s a load of work only to not be able to see the detail (due to the character sizes being so small).

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

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