1 year ago

Character Teaser Poster #14 - (Created on: January 31st, 2024) - Hello everybody from both SMG4 and Meta Runner!!!! And yes, even them people of FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) & Horror Genres whatnot...... Here's something a bit amazing here for you guys!

Here's the #14th CTP/Character Teaser Poster that I'd made today here on the VERY LAST day of January in 2024!!!! Here on January 31st, 2024, here's Character Teaser Poster #14 (AGAIN) of "Tari" from the Meta Runner Series on YouTube!!!! Created by the same and exact people who'd made the SMG4 videos from the OFFICIAL SMG4 YouTube Channel!!!!

Yep!!! This is like NO joke here folks!!!! The Main Meta Runner herself's going to make her future appearamces inside of my upcoming future FNAF/Five Nights at Freddy's-like parody games based around the MAIN events upon the Jax Justun Studios Universe!!! So, as for all of all of your fans from them Universes of both SMG4 and Meta Runner, I'm going to use like this VERSION only of Tari and that's it.........

I mean there's also like TWO other versions of Tari from the SMG4 Universe, but this one from the Meta Runner Series was the perfect choice to fit right into all of my future FNAF fan-made games and everything!!!! So yeah then........... That is it for today here folks!!!! But fear not people, they'll be like ANOTHER Meta Runner Character that'll have HIS very own CTP/Character Teaser Poster as well!!!!


Same as for more Characters among the SMG4 Universe as well!!! The Freddy Fazbear's Universe/Fan-verse included too!!!!! As for now, stay tuned for more updates by me!!!! And I know this was the #14th CTP here for today, but I'd also made like a #12th and also a #13th Character Teaser Poster as well in this exact same day like this one right here!!! They'll be out sooner or later, but none of them will have the next Meta Runner Character inside one of them.

This also includes the #15th Character Teaser Poster as well or just even beyond that. Maybe just stay tuned around in June of 2024, so we can get that nonsense over and done with...... Anyways, have a nice and safe afternoon everybody!!!! #MetaRunnerANDtheSMG4Worlds #MeetsJaxJustunStudiosAndFNAF!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #JanuarysAlmostOver #AndFebruarysAlmostHere!!!!! #TariTheMetaRunnerGenius!!!! #TurboAssistedRapidIntelligence!!!!!! #KnownasAlsoTARIasWell!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

Official Opening Parts for #55thJJSvideo Only - (Created on: March 30th, 2025) Whoa!!! Is it already out??? Yeah!!! Don't be fooled you guys!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #38 - Fester Wyld (Created on: March 27th, 2025) It's now March 27th, 2025, the day when this official #38thDDSparodyMascot was officially been created back on March 27th, 1990!!!!!!

2025 DDS Parody Cameo Character #51 - Baby Orange - From The Annoying Orange Series Wait?? Is that....??? "Baby Orange"!!! You're finally here!!!!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

DDS Parody Depiction #7 (For Mrs. Pieya-Face) - Created on: March 29th, 2025 Oh boy!!! My allergies are acting up again!!! Hopefully, not as worse-er then before!!!!! But hey, this matches today's post here on March 29th, 2025!!!!

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

2018 Parody Cameo Character #2 - Smudger - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's" Can you all even believe if a little green engine's officially known to be a parody cameo mascot of Jax Justun Studios???? Really??? That's a NO????

DDS Parody Cameo Depiction #7 (For Aqua "Aqua Keyblade") - Created on: March 30th, 2025 Can you all believe that about two days or less that it's going to be #AprilOf2025!!!!! So yeah, it's now March 30th, 2025!!!!

I'm sorry, he's too far gone… (15.ai)

Random things for Slime Heros here!!! #MySlimeHero!!!! #SlimeHeroesWishlist!!!! #SlimeHeroesCorrupted!!!!!! #SlimeHeroesSkills!!!! And finally (I hope...) #SlimeHeroesWeapons!!!!!!