2 days ago

Chat I'll post my loot from my friends bday party, except this one candy cuz im eating it. We went to a arcade and I got a bunch of tickets 😝



Next up

My stupid friend <3[i crashed out and said the f word and she said that-]

My friend came over yesterday for a sleepover and js made me and @Jaceissomething Ramen for lunch🀀

Speed paint of that fanart I posted yesterday.

Got a video of the eggs boiling

Eggs 🀀🀀🀀

I got looked like a cave diver stuck in the flipping wall chat. Though when I took the screen shot I moved...I PROMISE I WAS INSIDE THE WALL-WAIT HOLD UP-

Chat....I GOT IT

I got Boba from @Purple-girls-on-YT yesterday :3 I'll post a review later