4 months ago

Chat new hyperfixiation!?

I decided to draw Jon Kun in my humanoid design because he’s my favorite character

Artwork + humanoid designs: @Junk_Art

Jon Kun: @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg



Next up

Hey *Drops this awesome screenshot of my animation progress* ok bye *blows the fuck up*

Artwork + Animation: @Junk_Art

Slendytubbies: Zeoworks

#Slendytubbies #Slendytubbies3

I think I found Fourly

Hey, feeling sick right now. I won’t post any art, I don’t know when I will post art again but for now, no more art

A much needed update (Read)

Hello *Give W.I.P animation I’m working on*

(I don’t support the artist of this song!!)

Loss and and Unwanted Encounter.

I decided to do it as a sketch because I didn't feel like coloring it. I'm getting used to doing it as a storyboard, but this is a simple sketch that I must try.

He’s done!

Yeah, I know it’s bad. Don’t need’ta tell me twice

Artwork + Zach: @Junk_Art

Making my FNaTL Night guard OC; Zach paper plush :3

Artwork + Zach: @Junk_Art

FNaTL: @Critolious

Lake from Temu

Sorry for dying.. I'm just unmotivated. Take this GIF I made I guess

Artwork + Humanoid designs: @Junk_Art

Jolly's series: @IvanG