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guys i'm going to have to recode the entirety of this game since it's super hard to get anything done with the current state of the code, so it'll take longer if i continue with the code i have so far. see ya soon.
something big is happening sometime...
stage 01 #fnaf
cold-ass take but peace tea hits fucking different, just try one of these and you'll fucking ascend to a higher plane of reality bro, #PEACETEASWEEP
Door. (STUFF IS STILL A W.I.P!!! Also, please follow my game. I am trying to get at least 500-1,000 followers.)
So uh... someone sent me a leaked build of this game, i have no clue how they got it, but, i'm posting the build.
This game is NOT cancelled because of this, but it will take a bit before i post more about Scratchy's for a bit.
See ya.
hey, so, i don't know what that was.. but.. i think i'm safe, so try to decode this image, it'll show more for the big announcement i'm gonna post soon! anyways, see ya!!