Fervor Daybreaks at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Aureate Afterglow!!" [Hiatus]

6 months ago

Chibi Origin Sonic "Midday-Up!" ~ Re-Clone Sticker

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #AureateAfterglow #Horror #Sticker #Fanart #Art

Another Remastered "Imagine It!" Sticker.

The frame features the Characters' faction.
In case of Origin Sonic "Midday-Up!", he belongs to Nefarious Empire, even that
he's a Good Guy.
But this is caused by The Leader Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!" of this Evil Fraction.

Those who have him already, Re-Clone will replace the old version.
Those who don't have him, just put a charged sticker and you might
receive the sticker as a reward.

And since Origin Sonic "Midday-Up!" is also related to fangame "Aureate Afterglow!!" the post is on the gamepage as well.

Edit: I had to correct Chibi Origin Sonic "Midday-Up!" Sticker,
because I saw some mistakes. Now he looks way better.



Next up

Chibi Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!" ~ Updated Re-Clone Sticker

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #AureateAfterglow #Horror #Sticker #Fanart #Art

Origin Sonic "Midday-Up!" ~ Update + Shadow Sonic "Midnight-Up!" Correction ~ 2 Pages ~

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #AureateAfterglow #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art

☆ Replica Revolution ☆ ~ January 2025

Alter Clone Tails

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #FNaSMMMM #MegaMergeMaxMix #ReplicaRevolution #Horror #ArtWork #Art


Chibi Dr. Eggman "Conquer-Up!" ~ New Re-Clone Sticker + All Compleded "Imagine It!" / "Aureate Afterglow!!" Stickers

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #AureateAfterglow #Horror #Sticker #Fanart #Art

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

A small change in the title of the fangame from: Fever ➤ ➤ ➤ to: Fervor


Because it's more suited to the attitude of the protagonist with readiness and having fun to go through an adventure (according to Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!") and... (Article)

"I'm Back!" ~ (Resuming Creepypasta Sonic Comic)

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #HushNHustle #Horror #ArtWork #Art

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!