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Bring your Pink Wig to the POP POP POP Party... LOL Better luck next life little fella....""" Made by #colbertavision

They be like I don't believe it till you make money at it.... God's Payments be on another level. #rain

Another Little Dubby Dubb on the Big Map. Rain Droppin all them hoes. Almost Affiliate #supermannumber1 @ @twitch

They be like aren't you mad no one supports you ever. LOL NO. I don't be out here cheerin for them neither. We all tryin to get rich I just do the work. #rain made by #colbertavision

Gentlemen. I'm here to parteeey. What's Crackin?? LOL

I played basketball for thirty years; I became a good shooter because I just kept shooting no matter what them hoes would try and say. Keep pushin yall; freedom is in reach. [SAC] made by #colbertavision