Hi Folks,
Wow it’s been a while since my last update, it’s been a really busy time over at team Mega Sloth and we’ve been juggling a few different life based elements around development.
As I mentioned before our lead developer re-entered Full Time education to further improve his understanding of game development etc, so whilst Choreo has still been being worked on it has been around a full time course with similar coursework etc.
Incidentally if you’re interested in what he’s been up to, they recently launched a brand new game based on their prototype made during the course. It’s called Captive Audience, and is a fantastic First Person Narrative thriller set in a brutal world of dark-web TV shows and death-row inmates.
Captive Audience Link: https://gamejolt.com/games/captiveaudience/348028
Naturally this has taken up quite a lot of time, but now with that project complete we’re returning to work on Choreo full time. We’ve got a mechanics devlog coming up later this week, and a bunch of new information on the game which will be eked out alongside development, but for now we just wanted to let you all know that Choreo is still alive and well, and he can’t wait to sacrifice you all!
One thing we’re really keen on is getting you all involved in development, and so as part of the process we’re planning to regularly ask questions over twitter, devlogs and more to get your feedback, and find out what you want to see in a full Choreo game.
To start this off, we wanted to talk about the format of the game whilst we look towards release!
Our current thinking is to release the game as 5 episodes, each containing 5 levels running at round 1 hour total gameplay. This is to help with development stress, as well as aid in funding the next 5 episodes so that development can continue smoothly. As i’m sure you all know, development isn’t cheap, and we’re currently working off our own backs, so every little helps make Choreo into the great game we know it can be.
Is this something you would like? Hate? Be indifferent to? Let us know!
Another question is what would you see as a reasonable price for a full game spanning 25 levels, and roughly 5-8 hours of gameplay?
We’d love to hear from you, and can’t wait to show what we’ve been working on.
Thanks again for your support, we really appreciate it,
Nick and Team Megasloth
Here’s a sneak peak at our mechanics testing level, stay tuned for more!