3 months ago

Что ж, я решил сделать свои "башни".../Well, I decided to make my own "towers"...

Улучшенный генератор - Даёт по 2% энергии. Увеличивает запас энергии на 15%.

Пустая схема - Для новых разработок

Разноцветные шарики - Ставятся по 3 штуки. Когда эндоскелет с бронёй наступает на шарики, то он падает и ему нужно время, чтобы встать. Есть шанс того, что после того как он упадёт, то может потерять часть своей брони.

@RoboLADGames, как ты на это смотришь?


Improved generator - It gives 2% of energy each. Increases the energy reserve by 15%.

Empty schema - For new developments.

Colorful balls - You can put 3 pieces. When an endoskeleton with armor steps on the balls, it falls and it needs time to get up. There is a chance that after he falls, he may lose some of his armor.

@RoboLADGames , how do you see it?



Next up

Пчели и образец 2024 г

Лунтия и образец 2024 г

Lunita (Luntia X в стиле "Sonic.Exe Trilogy") и образец 2024

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

Мульти-Луния (Лунтия Х из мультивселенной) и образец 2024 г

A very needed change was the Shop UI as, in the long-term, it wasn't viable to keep the same UI as Pizza Sim due to how tedious it was finding items. You can also change the max values of objects into your save file.

Лунтия Х с ножом и образец 2024 года

Лапи и образец 2024 г

Also for people wondering, I did make Control Settings for you to change the inputs of the game to buttons on your keyboard or mouse.

Many people were having issues where they couldn't get inputs to work (I think it's cause of unicode key inputs)

Lunjinia и образец 2024 г