2 years ago

Chuck's Choice: Cousin Cousin (A Lost Episode)

OK... Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Penny Ulysses Alyson. I am 19 years old, and I love to specialize in finding lost media.

I can hear Ya'll asking me, "Penny, what is Lost Media?" So listen tight. Lost Media is a piece of media that has aired once or even never aired at all. Sometimes they turn up in the unlikeliest of places, like on YouTube, or they get leaked. In this case... I saw something that got Leaked by my brother in college. According to him, He managed to acquire it via a rogue employee that wanted to remain anonymous, so as such, he never mentioned the name, But he did know their last name was Bernard or something.

I ended up receiving a download link from my brother, Erick, and while I was admittedly unsure of if I should click on it seeing as how this wasn't mean to air, and I didn't wanna get into trouble, but at the same time, I worried that I was never going to get the opportunity to see such an episode again, so I clicked on the blue link, and it started up the download.

After a few seconds, the download was finished, and the name of the file appeared to be "ChuckChoice53.MOV". I got a jolt of nostalgia from that, as Chuck's Choice was probably one of my favorite shows.

I hovered my mouse over the file, but I thought to myself, seeming a little unsure. Besides the Illegality, I had heard stories about how these things usually tend to be horribly gory, disturbing, and pretty much cursed entirely. At the same time though, I felt like it could be interesting, so I hovered my mouse over it and clicked twice, causing the video to start up. It started with the intro, completely normal, no distortions, no static... Just completely normal.

After the intro, it showed the title card, simply titled, "Cousin Cousin". It appeared to have Misha who seemed... fairly irritated with a character that appeared older than her. It seemed like a feminine character, with the same Purple hair as Misha. This caused me to guess the plot might be about Misha having a cousin come over, which honestly sounded interesting, since for the most part, We never really saw any of Misha's family other than Misha herself, so this was a nice change of Pace.

The episode began with Misha, U.D, and Chuck laughing to themselves, seemingly after some sort of Choice that went wrong, but it was more hilarious to them. I didn't understand what happened, but they did mention something about Blankets, Flying killer ants, and fly traps.

"Oh man, that was SO awesome!" Chuck chuckled to himself, wiping a tear off his eye after laughing so hard. "Did you see how we beat them? It was amazing!"

Misha simply nodded and replied with, "Yeah, it was fun! However, I should most likely go home, OK?" Misha smiled a bit, then thought to herself. "Hey, Chuck! Wanna check out my place?"

Chuck looked ecstatic at the idea, and said, "Heck yes, Meesh!" He seemed like he wanted to come over, saying, "Why are we standing around?! Let's Go!" And with that, Chuck and U.D followed Misha back to her house, where It showed Misha sitting at the table, a smile on her face. Misha's Mother, Bertha, was cooking up some dinner for her.

"Oh my dear little Mishy-Mashy! Come here!" Bertha hugged Misha, kissing all around her daughter's face. "MMMM M-Mom y-you're embarrassing me!" Misha squealed out, red in the face. "Oops my bad! Sorry dear!" Bertha let her go, smiling. Misha then slowly looked around the room, a little confused, as the room seemed a lot cleaner and organized, making her wonder what the deal was.

"Um... Mom?" Misha asked, a curious tone in her voice. "Why is the dining room more organized than usual?" Bertha gave a warm grin to her, like she was going to announce something to Misha. "Well Misha, we're having a family reunion! Everyone's going to be coming! Your dear old father Gordon, Your Uncle Matt, Your cousin Prudence, Your Aunt Mel, Your-" Bertha was cut off by Misha, who seemed... oddly put off by something. "...Who... did you just... say... was coming?" Misha spoke in somewhat of a clenched teeth type voice, somewhat like how most people tend to hold In their hatred of someone.

"Oh, your Aunt Mel? She's coming." Bertha responded. Misha just stared sternly and angrily, like she just found out she was hiding something. "BEFORE THAT." Misha gritted her teeth, looking more red than before. "Ohhhh! Your cousin Prudence! She's coming over! I mentioned that earlier did I... not...?" Bertha looked a little nervous, saying, "Oh... I... forgot to tell you about her coming did I?"

Misha stared with a wide eyed, irritated expression, before standing up and closing her eyes with a sigh, muttering, "I've lost my appetite mom..." Misha concluded this by walking up the stairs while saying, "Just give my dinner to Chuck and U.D..." The sound of the door slamming upstairs echoed through the hall, with Bertha sighing and taking off her apron, sitting in her chair and burying her face in her hands.

"What's the Matter, Mrs. Locksley?" Chuck asked while getting closer to her. "Why is Misha so angry?" Bertha sighed and then got out a scrapbook. "Misha and Prudy... Never exactly got along when they were young... Prudence would often pull Misha's hair and would scare her and overall be a mean older cousin... Misha never really grew past it... She still despises Prudy even to this day..." As she went on, it showed pictures of a younger Misha being messed with by Prudence, via getting pushed around, getting a pillow thrown at her, and being scared with masks, until the last pic, where Misha appeared to be around 7, with Prudence being about 16. This implies that it had been 5 years since the last encounter between them, and despite there being pictures of Misha and Prudence later on, they were never shown together, likely due to Misha holding a grudge.

"You see Chuck... That is why Misha is so bitter right now... She hates her cousin for all those years... Those years of irritation and pent-up hatred..." Chuck and U.D simply stared in shock at what Misha's mother had told them. "Mrs. Locksley... I never knew..." Chuck said. "I can help... In a flash..." U.D entered Decider mode, and it was time for Chuck to make a choice. "OK, Chuck! You can make Misha's family come early, make a Misha clone to stay here, or you can have Misha need to leave the bedroom!" Chuck, of course, chose Choice 1. "It would help to get them over here fast. That way, Misha can see them early! Choice one!"

The door was knocked on, and Bertha opened it, caught off guard by what she saw at the door, that being the family at her door, brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and more. "What's going on? There's only 3 days till the reunion!" Bertha spoke in a confused tone, with a hint of happiness. "Well, we figured we could show up early to stay around," replied Gordon, Misha's father. "Even if we don't live together anymore, it's always good to see my family!" Bertha, glad to see her family, warmly letting them in the house. "MISHA DEAR, THE FAMILY IS HERE!"

As soon as Misha heard this, she looked shocked, and then angry. "They were never supposed to come until Wednesday... What could-" Misha started to put two and two together, then looked infuriated at her realization, grabbing the door handle and swinging the door open. "CHUCK!" Misha yelled in a fit of anger. "CHUCK, GET THE HECK UP HERE!"

Chuck walked up the stairs, entering her room with U.D, looking over at Misha, who was steaming with anger. "What's wrong, Misha? You seem tense..." Misha angrily said under her breath to Chuck, "Well, NO DUH. You didn't even bother to tell me what you were going to do! Now I have to face Prudence, and you must have known how much I hate her..."

Chuck sighed calmly, looking at her. "Yes, Yes... I know... But I just want you to interact with her more..." Misha gave Chuck a glare that could wilt Lettuce, which made U.D shiver and Chuck sweat." "I'll interact with her... when I am DEAD..." Misha snarled through her teeth. "My cousin is a piece of work... Pure annoyance..."

After that, the animation turned into storyboards, but was still fully voiced. "Misha, all we want is for you is to try to speak with your cousin, OK?" U.D said firmly. "Just listen to them..." Misha, bitter, attempted to go to her room, only for Prudence to speak. "Hiiii, Misha! How have you been?" Misha stopped at the knob, bitterly clenching her teeth into a forced smile. "OH, HI, PRUDEEEENCEEE." Misha spoke with a tone that sounded like someone hiding their hatred under a face mask of happiness.

"I think you should play with her, Meesh! Maybe even talk to her!" U.D smiled happily and carefully ushered Misha over to Prudence, while Misha looked back at Chuck and U.D and mouthed, "I hate you guys for this..."

It cut to show Misha hanging out with her family, bitter and hateful of her Cousin, not looking her in the eye at all. Prudence, confused, asked Misha, "Why are you staying away from me? Aren't we cousins?" Misha simply turned away from her without batting an eye, clearly not wanting to speak to her in the slightest.

Misha's uncle, Matt, got a little concerned for Misha, kneeling next to her. "Hello Misha, is this about Prudy? Because if so, we can try to talk it out." Misha looked annoyed, muttering, "No... I am perfectly alright, Uncle Matt..." Misha went to go back upstairs, only to find Chuck talking to U.D, speaking about Misha. "OK U.D, let's make a choice..." U.D said, "OK, Chuck!" He went into Decider mode, giving Chuck 3 options. The first one was to make the stairs into a ramp and lock Misha's door from the outside, which would make Misha forced to interact with Prudence, the second choice was to make the door lock them in from the inside, or the third, which was to summon a herd of angry rabbits. Chuck decided to make the stairs become a ramp to prevent Misha from being able to leave and lock herself in her room, much to her anger.

"For God's sake, Chuck... You're ruining my life right now..." Misha growled under her breath. "Little cousin? Are you alright?" Prudence softly asked, concerned for her well-being. "I'm just asking because you ran off on us..." Misha sighed angrily, looking over and going down the ramp, since she couldn't really do anything much else. She was clearly not happy about this, hesitantly going downstairs and over to the kitchen, reaching into the drawer to pull out a knife. I started to fear this was going to take a dark turn, but my suspicions were proven wrong when Misha grabbed a jar of peanut butter, some bread, and some jelly, making herself a sandwich. After this, some of Misha's brothers and sisters and cousins stampeded by, knocking Misha over and crushing her sandwich under the stampede. Misha got angry, throwing the sandwich in the trash, walking, bruised and in pain from the wave of family.

"I hate this reunion so much..." Misha hissed under her breath. Prudence asked Misha, "Misha, you look... bad... I'm gonna get some bandages for you to heal you..." Misha just shook her head, saying "I don't need bandages, especially not from YOU of all people... Why should I think you care now? You didn't give a single hoot last time I saw you, so why should I get help from you?" Misha walked into the bathroom, bandaging her arm and legs, as well as her cheek, muttering about how she hated how the reunion felt on her. Soon after, Misha went over to the kitchen to try and make another Sandwich, only to find that the one she threw away was on the table, so she reached to eat it, only to think about the germs on it, so she threw it away again, and walked into the living room, seeing Chuck and U.D about to make another choice. Misha, seeing this, pushed Chuck and U.D into a closet with an angered, "NO!"

Misha stared Chuck dead in his eyes, clearly sick of him trying to make her interact with her cousin, huffing and puffing. "Listen to me, Chuck... You have already messed me up by locking my room, taking away the stairs, and Inviting my Cousin EARLY... I'm not about to let you make another choice... Because all you do... The decisions you make... are always SO... STUPID... You turned me into a nasally genius that almost killed U.D and you became a complete moron, you nearly got me killed by what is essentially a homicidal robotic clone of me, and you made me bald... At this point, I question how YOU'RE the Decider, since all you ever do is make stupid decisions! Why do I even bother trying to fix the messes you get yourself into if said messes just yank me along like a dog on a leash?! It's not even FUNNY, Chuck... That's just what happens EVERY... SINGLE... DAY..." To say the least, I honestly did not expect Misha to go into a rant about how Chuck made idiotic decisions, but to be honest, I didn't really blame her, since she wasn't exactly wrong. But still, in this case, it genuinely caught me off guard.

"I'm going back out there, Chuck... Don't make a single choice... Today already sucks enough, and you making more confusing and moronic choices is just fueling the fire... Are... We... CLEAR." Misha stared Chuck and U.D in the eyes, with Chuck quietly saying, "Alright Meesh... No more choices..." Misha sighed, walking outside. It was time for a home movie show. Misha sighed and sat down, ready to view the Locksley home videos. After some videos like "Misha's Life" and "How I Married Matt", the next one was titled "Misha and Prudy", which showcased Prudy being mean to Misha at a young age, which caused Misha's eyes to widen in a fit of rage, like something had snapped in her mind. The Locksley family members laughed at this, as well as making "Aww" sounds. Some however, like Prudence, Gordon and Bertha, were grimacing. But the most reactionary one... was Misha herself, who walked slowly to the DVD player, and furiously pressed eject, grabbing the disc, shoving it into the case, running upstairs by holding the rails, putting it into a wooden box, then slid downstairs, running outside into the rain, going into a shed and coming out with a shovel, digging a hole into the grass and shoving the box in, burying it and stomping on the ground. She came back inside, soaking wet, and boots muddy.

Misha then, in rage, started trashing the place, screaming repeatedly, "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" After a minute of her destroying the place, Bertha slowly approached her, shaking in her tone, but still trying to sound angry. "M-Misha... Wh-What h-has gotten i-" She was cut off by Misha snarling at her. "You SERIOUSLY don't understand, do you, mom... I HATE HER... She bullied me... 5 Years... Why in God's name... should I believe that Prudence has changed... and gives a hoot about me now..." Prudence entered, shocked and trying to speak. "M-Misha... P-Please... I-I regret do-doing it... J-Just le-let me make it up to you..."

Misha made a snarling face full of tears and anger from a grudge. "You really wanna make it up to me, Prudishness?... Then pack your bags... And be out of this house... I don't c-care... Y-You hurt me... all those years... And now... I'm this... D-Do not call me... Text me... Even Sp-Speak to me..." Misha went from an angry yelling to an angry, yet upset person, crying her eyes out. "I'll go wait o-outside... Be-Because I'd rather b-be soaked than see your face again..." Misha ran outside and slammed the door, and sat down, tears streaming down her face.

Chuck came out slowly, looking over to Prudence and holding his hand out. "I know you may feel like you're bad... But I'm sure you have changed well... Misha must be unable to let go... Saddened if you will... Let's go talk to her..." The two went out to see Misha. They took a seat next to her, looking over to her. "Wh-What d-do you guys w-want...?" Misha sniffled softly, wiping the tears off her face to look over at them. Chuck looked down, saying, "I know the decisions I make are bad... I'm sorry... I don't think it through... I promise that if we go on more adventures together... to make smarter choices... That way... I won't make you have to clean up my stupidity..." Misha sighed and hugged him tight, replying with, "That's true... but I was admittedly too harsh with you... and I apologize for it... I'm sorry for snapping at you..."

Prudence looked at Misha and began to speak. "You know, Misha, I regret being the jerk I was 5 years back... I pulled your hair... I pushed you about... I don't blame you for hating me... I would hate myself too, if I were you... I can still pack my stuff if you want..." "N-NO!" Misha said, holding her hand. "I don't want you to leave... I wanna hang out with you and improve our relationship... OK...?" Misha decides to embrace Prudence, smiling softly  to her cousin, walking with her to go somewhere else, with Misha saying, "I love you, Cousin..." After that... The credits played. I was... surprised. No blood, no death, no insanity, just a normal lost episode...

I admittedly liked this episode, deciding to save it to a USB and hiding it somewhere secret so I can hopefully publish it over, as I personally found it interesting. I figured that it was simply lost because they found it pretty dark for an episode... Hopefully... You will get more info about this...



Next up

Old Version of Glitch Dressy vs New Edit.

If you have a better name or design that doesn't look like CBF in Week 6, lemme know so I can use it


(I used PNGS to reference the Pibby Poster)

I'm just saying... it's him.


I'm Back

Hey, everybody! I'd like to talk about a project I hope to get out! I will reveal 3 new survivors for it!

The logo is by @BoltCrow_Games , and the designs were done by @ToyKiller75 !


Darker Yet Darker: A Stickin' Around Lost Episode Story

So uh

I got bored and so

Here's the ocs I used in my SP cover (no they're not like those ocs shipped with the main characters)

Left to right:





Red, Redik & Medalin ''The Three Legendary Hedgehogs''

Everybody Gangsta till we get him in #SonicPrime2