Hey Tal’Dorians!
Thanks so much on helping us with our giveaway and Thunderclap. We ended up reaching so many people, thanks to you! Our gleam giveaway has finally come to an end with the winners being drawn and sent out their gifts. We are almost finished with our Alpha for everyone to test; those who receive our newsletter will have a download for the game to play during the weekend before we make it public to everyone else! This gives us a way to reward those who are engaging with us and have an early feedback stage where we can make tweaks if anything goes wrong before it is given out to the public.
To sign up for the newsletter and get access to the alpha before anyone else subscribe here: SuneX Games Homepage!
Steam Greenlight
Open Alpha

The gleam giveaway ended with over 140 members and generally 100 tweets, follows, likes and watches on everything we listed. The winners got one of these awesome games: “A Story About My Uncle”, “Rogue Legacy”, “Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition”, “StarDrive 2”, “Pixel Privateers”, “Chaos Reborn” but everyone has our eternal gratitude for helping us get to this point.
The winners are as follows:
Brandon S.
Ephraim L.
Lukas C.
Florian H.
Rinat H.
Nina Y.
If you are one of the people above, check your email you used with gleam for the gift notification. Redeem your game on Steam until the 30th March or we will redraw winners.

We are sad to say that any coverage that Greenlight would have given to us is non-existent with Valve announcing that it is closing down. What this means is the only votes that we are getting is from those who have been taking part in our giveaways and are part of our community; More than ever we need you to share the Dungeons of Tal’Doria Greenlight Page with your friends by whatever means you can! We will continue working hard on the game and continue to take your feedback while you get the word out!

Our alpha version is finally complete and ready for you to take out some evil skeletons. You will fight alone or with friends to go through as many waves of skeletons as you can, but be careful, if you do not finish them off quickly they will keep coming whether you are ready for them or not.
To get into the closed alpha this weekend simply join our newsletter and you will have the download this Friday, otherwise you will have to wait for open alpha in the next week! Don’t miss out!
Here is a quick playtest we did with the team and an internal tester to give you a general idea as to what to expect. Again: This is an extremely early alpha and we are simply looking for feedback on the movement and basic combat system before moving on to the richer elements of the game.