Coffy's: Enhanced (Official) | PAUSED
5 years ago


PT BR: Olá pessoal, o jogo está meio sem novidades, mas já estamos trabalhando no nele novamente e uma nova demo pode chegar em breve, vamos aproveitar esta quarentena para trabalhar duro no jogo, agora, siga as dicas do nosso amigo Coffy.

ENGLISH: Hello guys, the game is kind of without news, but we are already working on the game again and a new demo may arrive soon, let's take advantage of this quarantine to work hard on the game, now, follow the tips of our friend Coffy.




Next up

Time to remake this.


I'm just kidding guys, don't repeat this, we are talking about hacking accounts on the site, I'll delete the post soon to not generate any problems

So familiar

Coffy's 3rd Anniversary! / 3º Aniversário de Coffy's!

1.000 Followers! Thanks for your support!

For this FNaF anniversary I didn't get to do nothing for lack of time, but I wanted to share this model I made a few months ago inspired by Freddy from FNaF Plus that would be used in a future game I'm not sure if I'll make yet, but here it is :)

CE leak

funny boomer