I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been making good progress with this game! :D It’s so exciting so see. So let’s get started!
April 9th:** Started to work on implementing character sprites. Turned out to be a lot harder than I thought! I used GameMaker’s built in variable speed, which caused a few problems with the graphics. I wanted the sprite to change is x > xprevious, etc… but doing that didn’t work. After some minor debugging, I found out it uses hspeed/vspeed instead. so I did a similar thing, hspeed>0 etc… but then the sprite would only be walking up, or walking down! I spent all day Sunday working on this. But it was worth it! I got it working - albeit, a bit messy - and it looks great. ^^
April 11th: Monday I didn’t do anything, but on Tuesday, I worked on getting the graphics done. It’s a small game, so there wasn’t much to do. Managed to make a decent tree - SO awesome! :D it amazing what I can do if I just be a little more patient.. >w< Getting them to tile good was another issue, however… saved this for later in the week.
April 12th - 14th: I’ll admit, nothing much was done through the rest of the week, aside from Saturday. I got switches implemented, and added a few items to my to-do list (namely music and sound effects). Also published my game to Gamejolt as Devlog-Only.
April 15th: Today, I feel very lazy. But I managed to sketch out the first few rooms, and got a little start on the cut-scene code. Also added a few more graphics, like a mossy wall, ‘dark tile’ (so the trees don’t look so monotonous) and did a little research into shaders in GameMaker. Don;t think i’ll be touching those anytime soon, hehe… ^^
Overview: Not a terrible productive week, but not a wasted one, either! I got some key parts of the game in, and graphics are coming along well. Here’s hoping next week can be even better! ^^ Only two weeks left to finish… I should be able to manage that. ;D
Hopefully next week I can show you guys some screenshots and stuff. >w>