Chess of Blades
8 years ago

Compilation of logs 1-4 from Dev log

This is a compilation of all our logs (4 total) thus far. You can follow along on our tumblr blog or our email newsletter. Also join us in Discord to chat and see some behind-the-scenes gamedev!


In quick summary:
Log 1: Intro to the project, titled CAN (Castles at Night)
Log 2: What’s Dovah’s writing process?
Log 3: Timeline for the project
Log 4: Fancy new key visual, name change, story progress. Still have artist openings, as well, but they will be closing on Sunday, so send in your portfolios before then.

Log 4

It’s the start of a new week, which means this is Log (1/3)! But in actuality, it’s Log #4. We have some exciting news for you today. Yesterday, we sent out our FIRST email newsletter! And that newsletter forced us to make some sort of key visual (or other giant header image graphic thing). If you are signed up for the newsletter, you will have gotten to see the new visual (and name change) first :). SO SIGN UP!!


That took several hours, but it was really worth it. Do let us know what you think of it; like it, dislike it, too difficult to read, etc. This visual is just version 1.

Not only did we have to figure out the color and feel of the image, we had to finally decide on the final name for CAN – I mean COB. That’s right, the game is now called “Chess of Blades”, otherwise known as COB, like the tasty stuff you eat. We chose this name after throwing several at the people in Discord, with those present giving their opinion on which names they liked best. There will be many such opportunities, so join us in Discord~

Our search for artists (CG/Sprite and Backgrounds) continues, but we will be closing it at the end of this week. We’ve gotten a couple of responses from the artists we’ve spammed – respectfully inquired, but we haven’t found THE ONE(s) yet. So send in your portfolios by the end of this week (as in Sunday) @[email protected] have basically finished writing the common route, so we are now working on the first of the possible romance routes! It should be done this week.

Log 3

Today is the final dev log of the week! It’s only log #3, and we’re projecting at least 20 more logs, but boy is writing a regular journal entry difficult. Mad respect for everyone that does one. Well, let’s talk about the projected Timeline for CAN’s development!

1 Month: Write 80-100% of the script (that’s 70k+ words yo)
1 Month: KICKSTARTER!!!!!!!!!!
2 Months: Get all art and voice acted lines completed
2 Weeks: Finish implementing everything
1 Week: Final polishing and proofreading
1 Week: Release early to our lovely backers (who backed that tier)

Based on this timeline, CAN should come out in beginning to mid June. Not too bad a goal. Is such a timeline feasible considering we are both full-time seniors in college, finishing up our undergrads?


Why are we confident about this? Well, since we will be paying everyone what they deserve (that’s right voice actors, you heard us, PROPER PAYMENT), we believe we will avoid many of the delays that occurred in Requiescence – namely, having to spend many hours editing voice acted lines due to some quality differences. There are some other reasons as well, but they require looking back at everything we learned with Requiescence, which deserves a post or 4 of its own, so we’ll save that for later.

Now, of course, a lot of this hinges on having a successful Kickstarter. How else are we going to pay people the amounts that they deserve for all of their hard work? We’re two broke college students.

What happens if the Kickstarter isn’t successful? We don’t even want to consider that possibility. But IN THE EVENT THAT IT FAILS, well, I’ll save that info for another day.

Please share our progress and activities with your friends. We want more people to drown in bishie love :3

Log 2

Hello! Today, I want to explain a little bit about our writing process. By “our”, I mostly mean Dovah’s writing process, since I’m just an editor/proofreader, at least for both Requiescence and CAN. You might see me write a later project~

Anyhoo, here’s how it works.

Dovah gets idea. Dovah types up some general outlines of the plot. A writing schedule appears. Dovah follows it for all of 2 days. Gamma constantly whips Dovah about keeping schedule and bribes Dovah with desserts and treats. Rinse and repeat.

Now, during the actual writing, Dovah will go and hide into a “writey hole”, closing off all communications with the wonderful web (or so I am told – it is very much possible that Dovah is LYING to me about that and does use the internets to goof off while in writey hole, but I digress). It’s actually OK for Dovah to take some breaks while in intense writing mode-o, as long as the end-goal is reached. The process matters little as compared with the results! A key detail to remember is that we work REMOTELY, as we find that to give us optimal productivity. We also just really hate leaving the house.

And there you have it. The wonderful, exciting job of a writer. Here’s where we are with the current writing goal:
Current: 14k words have been written
GOAL: 25k words by Sunday 10AM
CONSEQUENCE (of not making deadline): Dovah is not allowed to go hang out with some friends and eat Korean food. Will be forced to eat alone, at home, while scrabbling at the keyboard.

Log 1

Hi everyone! Long time no see. We’ve got a new game (visual novel) in the works for you! It is codenamed “CAN”, as in ‘Can you do the Can Can, No Can do sir, but I CAN CAN’. With this new project, we plan on getting lots of involvement from YOU so that we can craft the most pleasurable game possible. We have some updates such as: openings for PAID art (backgrounds and sprites) (scroll to bottom of post) , so please read through thoroughly for full details!


New Project: Codenamed CAN

Here’s some more info on CAN:
-One-liner #1 Sex…in the ballroom.
-One-liner #2: A classic mediëval party
-One-liner #3: <SEND YOURS IN TODAY!> Submissions open until February 14, 11:59pm. Funniest and Most Serious will be voted upon and used somewhere publicly.

Slightly more detailed summary: Rivian, the son of a famous nobleman, attends the huge birthday celebration of the king! Dancing, drinking, and flirting abound. However, what will happen when Rivian gets embroiled in a mystery he wants no part of – and has to work with a partner to solve it before the celebration’s over?

Genres: Yaoi (obvs), medieval, mystery, comedy
Voice-acting: FULL with properly paid voice actors!

For those who said they couldn’t tell Requiescence was yaoi until 70% through the game, well, we’ve got you covered on that with CAN. (r is male…)


We plan on going to Kickstarter for CAN, and our goal funding will be massive (think 8-15k USD) in comparison to Requiescence because of the required art assets, voice acting, and soundtrack. We truly need all your support for this project (especially during the KS), so please follow us on this journey and bring your friends along!



Next up


art comission.

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

Have a good Boi

What you all think

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Microsoft Windows XP Unprofessional (windows logo prototype)

My D&D art for my family so far (WIP if you couldn't tell)

Path of Kami, running around the shrine area