Computer pro tip #542 - Let your bullet bounce on a resin block to double the damage and destroy your enemy with just one shot!
Next up
We're working on a new game mode! Drone Race. Rookie on the ground, drones in the air. Who will be the winner?
We plan to release this as a free extension to the Prologue.
How do you like this? Artwork for GunBlocks - Drone Race Update. First time try with. Done with procreate + iPad Air 3 + Apple Pencil 1
Be specific.
That's how the inner of a gundroid looks like. The most interesting part is the integrated energy-matter converter. With a corresponding blueprint a gundroid can replicate any kind of bullet.
#adventure #retro #altgame #puzzle #scifi #pixelart #conceptart
Tetris and Artillery got drunk one Christmas and made a baby. All background stories in our Discord:
There is a #webcomic series around the GunBlocks game.
"Struggles of a rookie", Episode 000 to 009 on IMGUR:
And if you feel like you need to help the rookie, download the game! ;-)
Folks! It's been long time since the last update, but we're still working on this game. The demo is updated with a lot of bug fixes and a few sweet particles effects > 0.8.26. More to come soon! #adventure #pixelart #gaming #indiegame #tetris
Keeping the talking short.
Doing some new environment moods. Swamp at the night. Scary and cozy at the same time