Meet Rusty's gang! Willy and Junior the wallabies, Kilye the koala and Balloon Boy!
What do tou think? These animatronics are inspired by real animatronics like Chuck e' Cheese's gang, and by fangames such as fnaf + or rat race.
Tell me what do you think about these animatronics, or whose your favourite please!
¡Conoce a la banda de Rusty! ¡Willy y Junior los wallabis, Kylie el koala y Balloon Boy!
Que os parecen? Estos animatrónicos estan inspirados por animatrónicos reales como la banda de Chuck e' Cheese, y por fangames como fnaf + o rat race.
Contadme que os parecen, o cual es vuestrk favorito!