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We are going to have a VHS in the game FNAF Reloaded that will be shown at the beginning of the game and this picture is part of the VHS.
Maurício and I are working and collaborating on fnaf reboot edition android game and thank you NDU for helping us and please follow if you like fnaf plus android game
game link:https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnafrebootandroid/977307
Being really hyped for Fnaf plus ,even if it hasn't released yet, so I drew my favourite character. I present to you, my boy Foxy :) !!!
The Steam page for the game Fnaf:SotM has been unveiled.
I hope Phil Morgue likes it
Have you ever noticed this picture in the screenshots of the FNAF reboot edition game?!
Finally, photos of the FreddTime Plus game have been released, showing that the game is painted or designed.
Five Night at Freddy's + It's Showtime
Screenshots of the game were also released.