JR’s: Enter The Flipside

14 hours ago


Hello JR’s fans! Today on the 10th anniversary of FNAF 3, we decided to celebrate by making a devlog to update you on our current progress on JR’s: Enter The Flipside this year. We also decided to update our game page, as it was long overdue. Hopefully this will provide some more readily accessible information regarding ETF and JR’s. We hope you enjoy our new thumbnail video!



Our team has spent many hours in the past few months cracking down on player and animatronic animations for the Main Nights gameplay and Night 6, in addition to adding the final touches to each map. All animatronics and major environments have been optimized, been properly made game ready, and imported into the UE project. At the same time, we’ve been focusing on getting the final areas and touches in The Barrens completed as we roll into our next phase of development. 

Here is a teaser gif showing off a WIP version of Night 6, and some new animations:



For the next few months, we aim to wrap up most of the work surrounding the gameplay, endings, and cinematics we have planned. A lot of time will be spent polishing and playtesting everything to feel as full of an experience as possible. During this time, we will finally begin working on a trailer as well, so stay tuned for that! 

If you’re just finding out about JR’s: Enter The Flipside now, check out our recent team Q&A! It contains a lot of information about what it is, and the work we’ve been doing for the past 2.5 years:

When is “JR's: Enter The Flipside” RELEASING? - JR's Team Q&A & Interview


We are looking forward to showcasing more of our work publicly soon, as we draw closer to the finish line. Your support means the world to each and every one of us on the team. Thank you for always being there right with us every step of the way! 

As always, The Flipside beckons…
~ The JR’s Team



Next up

Happy 10th Anniversary! (+ An Announcement)

Connection Lost

JR's v1.4.1 is out now! (Not the DLC!)



Rat Race Production Update

True 100% be like this.

Merry Christmas guys!

What’s going on with the DLC?


See you soon!