JR’s: Enter The Flipside

2 years ago

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It’s been 1 year since JR’s has released, and we could not be more appreciative and thankful for all of your continued support for this project. It genuinely means so much to us that you all truly love JR’s as much as we do.

However, we aren’t just celebrating the anniversary today, no no no! We also are celebrating reaching 1 MILLION+ DOWNLOADS! You guys are seriously incredible!!! The simple fact alone that 1 million of you guys have downloaded JR’s is astounding, which is why we’ve decided to share a few announcements and teasers regarding our progress on the eagerly awaited Enter The Flipside DLC.


Overall, the team is working every single day to bring you guys this expansion. We’ve had a lot of bumps in the road along the way, but we’ve come quite far in our development now from where we started. Enter The Flipside has been in development for 10 months now, which we understand is a lot for some. However, I can assure you the wait will be worth it, with the new content effectively doubling the amount of content in the base game.

Unfortunately, we do have some news in regards to the release of the game itself. We originally planned to release it in 2023, but as external factors affecting development occurred, we realized that Early 2024 is more feasible. This is not a delay, but is more of a reasonable estimate as to when we will aim to release.


One of the many highly requested additions we’ve decided to incorporate into JR’s is a Custom Night for Night 6! We have a feeling that many fans will enjoy this addition, unlocked alongside beating the main game. The team spent a lot of time revamping and optimizing the visuals for Night 6 overall, and we are very happy with how it turned out. The Custom Night itself will last 6 minutes, and will have the ability to toggle on all threats from the base game night active at once! We plan for the max mode to be pretty tough, so make sure to get your practice in. 


The team has finished all of the assets required for the new barrens as of now, and we have moved to implementing it into the base game. Once it has been completely implemented, we will be able to add dialogue, mechanics, the sound design, and much more to make the barrens come alive!


Like the base game, Enter The Flipside contains a LOT of painted panels detailing various events of the story. Painted in the style established by HushPuppyArt, our very talented 2D artists @UNIT_003_SHRIMP and @CringeyTea took upon a huge task of painting 75+ painted panels for this expansion (like the ones showcased above)! Please go support them and their incredible efforts, their talent is nothing short of incredible.


You guys asked for it, and you shall receive! JR’s: Enter The Flipside will be getting an android port! It will not release at the same time as the game itself, but rest assured it will release. Additionally, the game will now contain Game Jolt API and Trophies, improved Discord Rich Presence, and controller support.

Thank you so much once again for your unrivaled support and patience. It’s been one hell of a year since JR’s released, and we couldn’t be more grateful to you all. 

The Flipside beckons and awaits; it shall come soon enough.

~ DiceGames, on behalf of the JR's Team



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JR's v1.4.1 is out now! (Not the DLC!)


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