Here’s the updates!
NOTE: Only people with keys or access to the alpha will need to read this. If you’re interested in testing send me a message.
Main Menu:
Updated the main menu! Now however many controllers are connected, will be displayed graphically on screen with the amount of spaceships!
1 Player
2 Players
The only available map currently, has been redesigned! Here it is without any players or buildings on it. It’s alot better for the eyes in my opinion, and with some design it just overall looks better.
The alien race “Insectis” got reworked! Featuring walking animation aswell, death animation is coming!
Nerdy stuff:
Implemented specific boss battles for Boss 2 and Boss 3.
If you kill the boss, the wave will continue to the next instead of needing to kill all enemies.
Fixed issues with barricades and turrets when being multiple players.
Added “Sandbox mode” - gives you a ton of money to play around with!
Added “Speedrun mode” - just for testing at the moment.
Heal now also heals barricades!
Rapid fire now also work on turrets!
Turrets now has 50 bullets, once they’ve used up, they’ll display the warning sign shown below and you just need to pick it up to re-supply it with bullets.
Turrets will only fire if there is enemies.
Re-did all weapons speeds and reload times. Makes it less slow.
Re-did the waves system and messed around with some new difficulties! Easy should be “easy” now as it was still extremly hard before.
That should be it!