So, after like TWO days from the making!! The 6th Parody Character for my future FNAF games named "Tangled" is FINALLY finished!!! And I got to say, this redesign for this 6th OC FNAF dude that I'd created was like one of the BEST and most detailed creation that I'd ever made for like my PAST 18 years of becoming a designer!!! A GAME DESIGNER to be persisted!!!
And YES!! All of this was freaking worth the main sets of heavy weights!!! Anyways, like I'd said before, I may had lost the original design of Tangled, but thankfully, this new/remastered version of Tangled's design was more then I ever loved to create. So, first off, the colors that I'd used for this design of Tangled. Well, the original design had like colors of Black, Brown, Grey-ish, Pink-ish and Yellow!! Only like FIVE colors in total.
As for this new design right here, it's even more then FIVE colors!! There's like many new colors inside of this design of the new and improved Tangled!! Like two types of Purple, three of four more types of Yellows, three different Grey colors, and three colors that were used again in this design are of course, are Black, Brown, and also WHITE!!!!
So yeah, in total there's like 16 different kinds or types of colors that I'd used in this SINGLE redesign alone!!!! Yep!! This redesign of Tangled right here looks so much better then his original design!! And just like Gridget's new design like a week ago, Tangled's redesign looks far more detailed then ever!! Just look at this image up more closer!!
His body is more colorful, his shoes as well, he has more details on his back, like those scales (I think they're called that), he now wears a cape, he has now a TAIL with details on it, and his body looks like that dragon from that online website that I've been using since like forever during my elementary days!!
Look, I know, that parts kind of off-topic for the FNAF Universe, but we all know that dragons are like part of the robot-like world of FNAF creations right? Anyways, speaking of which, Tangled was designed from having a head that's shape like a horn!! No clue how I got that option to fit in right in for his textures.
But as for the shoes and gloves, just like Mr. Lazyhose's new design from a few days ago, his body design and shape was based on a Rated-R 3D anime movie!! Release back in 2016 in theaters!! Also, don't ask why I got this idea for giving Tangled a CAPE for his new looks, maybe it's just based on him changing as villain to a HERO!!! YEAH!! So, around in 2018, I wanted Tangled to be as a villain and be part of Mascot Army of Jax Justun Studios!!
However, during my imaginations, roughly around like a few days later, around in October of 2020, yeah, I figured that I'd said that horrible year again, I would then made/imagined Tangled as now a HERO!!
Because of that, Tangled was NO LONGER part of the Army of the Mascots of Jax Justun Studios!! As of like late Oct. of 2020, all the way up until now, his life had changed!! And now, he's a bookworm, a storyteller, and someone that has a cooperative family!!
And what will happen next for our beloved 6th OC Parody Hero of all traits? We'll never know!! Anyways, that's about it that I can say about Tangled and his new body!! OH WAIT!!! I almost forgot about something!!! Both and Pixlr were the only two designing websites that I'd made Tangled new design on!! And TWO days were perfect to make his designs on those platforms!!
Okay then, now I'm done talking about Tangled and his NEWLY and revamped design!! So yeah, I hope you guys also love that video that I'd posted before I'd made this post right here today on GameJolt!!! Look, I'm very sorry if that Short Video about Mr. Lazynose's new redesign took like FOREVER to post here on GameJolt. I was busy with some family stuff and everything.
Anyways, the next video will show of Tangled's new design and the appearance of the FIRST ever Parody Cameo Character!!! And YES!! This Parody Cameo Character is kind of like NOT part of the FNAF Universe alone, but from another Universe. Though, it does have its own fan-made FNAF games though.
Anyways, thanks for all of the positive supports that you guys had been given me here on GameJolt!! It always helps a lot with me and ups and down days and everything!! So, stay tuned for many more updates to come!! I love you guys!!!
Also, stay tuned because I'll be showing off like another version of this poster based on all of the Mascots that I'd made for the Jax Justun Studios Universe!!! Because that poster alone has like so many versions of itself. Anyways, take care you FNAF people out there!! Stay safe and have a nice night!! #AllTangledUp!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #OnlyFOURotherCharactersLeft!!! #AndAllParodyMascotsOf2018 #AREDONE!!!! #StayTunedEverybody!!!!!!!