3 years ago

Creepy Nights at Freddy's 3 cancellation

It is a huge post regarding my feelings, thoughts and reasons for game cancellation. If you do not care, just accept the fact that the game is going to be cancelled. If you would like to try to change this fact, then please, read carefully.

Ok, let's start with the reasons for game cancellation:
1. The development of FNaF fan-games is almost hopeless.
2. Having 8000+ followers doesn't really mean anything to me.
3. People are much more interested in CNaF for Android than in CNaF 3.
4. Development takes extremely long time.
5. I almost do not get any support to keep myself motivated to work on the game.

Now let's discuss each reason separately.

1) What do I mean by "hopeless"? You can't make FNaF fan-games for a long time even if you want to. Sooner or later you'll have to earn money somehow to at least buy yourself some food. And try to imaging a general FNaF fan-game dev trying to buy bread. It's impossible, because it's forbidden to earn any money from FNaF fan-game. No pay-what-you-want. No Patreon support (as far as I read somewhere). Seems that no ad revenue too. Just nothing. And I think it is unfair. You do FNaF let's plays / videos? Ok, you may earn money for it. You make FNaF music? Fine, you can sell it for one dollar. You make FNaF fan-games which is the longest and almost the hardest thing to do? No, forget about any money. I would better try to find a paid job then, that I will also admire.
You may say "do the game just for fun", but it doesn't work. Anything sometimes becomes a stupid boring routine, especially when it takes a couple of years to make. I also burn out easily even if I like what I do, so it's definitely not an option for me.
Why not make something original then? Nowadays everything has already been thought up and if you think you have an original idea, it is not. And ubiquitous copyrights make things even worse. Instead of just creating what you love, you have to think of different copyrights. I am not Hideo Kojima or any other genius to create something really cool and unique, so it is not an option for me.
Maybe try to get to The Fazbear Fanverse then? It seems to me that this is almost impossible, especially after recent events. I also think I'm not worthy enough to get there.
So, as you can see, there is no options, that's why developing a FNaF fan-game is hopeless, at least for me.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Scott. His games made my childhood and I am really thankful to him for the amazing FNaF franchise. Without him, I wouldn't even be here. But it's still sad that you can't get any financial support for your work. Ideally I would like to be free selling my games but giving Scott 50% (or even more) of my earnings.
I also think that the world could me much better if we could just pay some percent to copyright owners instead of being forbidden from making things.

2) Having 8000+ followers feels like over 7000 of them are bots. No offence, but there are only near 500 active followers who read my posts. It feels like when I had only 1000 followers, the activity was almost the same. I just do not understand why do people follow me if they do not even view my posts. Frankly speaking, I would prefer to have only 100 followers but if most of them were quite active than having 8000 followers with only 500 active.
I have also removed download links for CNaF and CNaF 2 for an experiment. And only a few people has noticed that. Other were following and like "everything is totally fine".

3) The recent post was to check how much are you interested in Creepy Nights at Freddy's 3. Just compare the amount of likes on that post and on the post about Android version.

And don't say that it's because the post about Android had 5 months to get likes. It scored 850 likes in the first month, while a post about the cancellation of CNaF3 will collect a little more than 250 likes in a month. It is sad and demotivating.
When I removed the ability to comment the games people started to leave their comments on random old posts that were made years ago instead of viewing the latest post. Why? Where is the logic? Explain it to me.

4) I am working all alone and it takes a lot of time because I'm trying my best. And for this I have to do everything practically from scratch. As a result:


Pretty obvious that I can't motivate myself that long and no one would ever need the game in 2027, let's be honest. Also taking into an account that I will not earn anything from it, it's just a waste of an insane amount of time. The only solution I see is to find a team to speed up the process. Or cancel the game already.

5) No close friends, no parents, no one is really interested in what I do. Some of them even hate FNaF or just don't take it serious. And lack of such support makes me feel like I'm doing something completely useless and worthless. Your support is not enough to be honest to keep me motivated. Only a few people are interested in what I do and it makes me feel forgotten. I don't even want to make any teasers, because there will be almost no reaction to them. And it will make me feel like making a teaser was a waste. And making a game is a waste too.

Summarizing, I will most likely cancel the game. But if you show me that you are interested in it, I will give it a second chance and try to do something. Please, vote in the poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GJn4G3Q7zyz

Thanks in advance. Hope for understanding.



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