Cubi The cube REMAKE

3 years ago



Next up

I'm back and in a few days about this week I'll be releasing the Cubi The Cube beta 2.5 I hope you enjoy it.


Ya estoy de vuelta y en unos días, más o menos esta semana, lanzaré la beta 2.5 de Cubi The Cube, espero que la disfrutéis.


Working on a New Update which is the v0.2.2



Trabajando en una nueva actualización que es la v0.2.2

Images of the 4 new levels.

New things are coming, from performance to story mode.


Imágenes de los 4 nuevos niveles.

Llegan novedades, desde el rendimiento hasta el modo historia.

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

After some time of inactivity, I am back with slight changes.


Tras un tiempo de inactividad, vuelvo con ligeros cambios.

Inayah - Life After Gods is OUT NOW on Steam!

Celebrate the game's release by completing our quests!

You can play the demo or get the full game at

We are back with Cubi El Cubo! Graphical improvements, bug fixes and new levels, I hope you support this return.

(If this project goes well you will probably have good news from Drourus)

(Si apoyáis este proyecto seguramente buenas noticias de Drourus)

What do you think of the sky?


¿Qué te parece el cielo?

@FatBombStudios is a CCC+ Studio that makes games you love but don't know about!

They're the devs behind the fast paced hide and seek game Light Bearers 2:

We think you SHOULD know about them so complete the quest!

Mañana Actualizacion de Cubi The Cube, Beta 3.5 ver 0.4.5.


Tomorrow update of Cubi The Cube, Beta 3.5 ver 0.4.5.