New setting to toggle the decor in the office because why not? S:JJ
Visual indication in the Main Roster Menu of which character you stopped with the Stop Sign during the night.
Added a button for X Square to properly use the Stop Sign on them.
6 AM Animation has been polished.
Balance Adjustments
Jelly and Coin Slot spend slightly longer at the deadends.
Added a sound effect that indicates when Coin Slot takes all of your coins.
Bug Fixes
Fixed layering of certain characters appearing behind the monitor static.
Fixed Bomb getting desynced from the desk when active.
Fixed Toy Dog and Virus not being able to be stopped with the Stop Sign.
Fixed the vent mines not responding correctly to the Vent Characters when armed.
Fixed Jelly and Coin Slot gliding off the path after they briefly enter the H deadend.
Fixed Coin Slot still appearing on the Vent Map after entering the office.
Fixed starting a night at the deleted camera feed.
Fixed Swirl's pathing when moving from the bottom to the top of the vent map.
Fixed Drum still being active despite using the Stop Sign on him.
Fixed lostshroom after using the Stop Sign on it reappearing after the Bubble is used.
Fixed [Boss 1] not appearing when certain criteria are met.