Custom night challenges have been removed. The only one that does anything is all 20 mode.
You can now set all characters to max mode instantly by using that "Set all to 20" button on the right.
Characters now have new custom night icons (Dark Pit's custom night icon will be the new game icon, and another one of the icons is blurred out in this preview for obvious, or maybe not-so obvious reasons.).
You can now hover over the character icons to read info on them. They will also include images for each one. (Dark Pit still has yet to have new light images for him.).
As for other updates I don't have much. There are some stuff that I'm thinking about implementing in the update, but haven't 100% decided on yet. You may see at least one or two of them when the update releases.
Oh yeah. I may as well say now that I'm changing the version number of the update from 1.5.0 to 1.1.0 because I feel like it makes more sense to name this version 1.1.0 because it's not a complete overhaul. There is new content I do wanna add in here, but there's only one thing that's huge, per se. I still don't know if it will be added 100% or not.
Stay tuned for more updates to come, and Happy Halloween!