Hello everyone.
It's been a while since the last time I posted anything new on this page, but today is gonna be different cause this time I will mention some of the important parts.
Some of you might be asking yourself "what kind of important parts he will discuss in this post?" well these kind of stuff will be:
- Some but not many sneak peeks on the game
- The people who are helping me to make this game
- General questions the people are asking on the game
- The Discord server
- And the general progress of the whole game
• The Sneak peeks
For the past 7 and a half weeks I have been making some but not many sneak peeks on the game.
I really hope that you'll like them cause I really worked the hell out of myself on these ones.
• Yolk Face Jumping animation (still in progress)

Some of you might not know this but the way Yolk Face will work in the game is that he will not go after the player but rather jump on the cameras and splatter his whole face onto the camera so the player would have a hard time on seeing somethings on the camera, he just likes doing that for fun.
• 2 Redman pop ups

Don't bother decoding the messages, they'll still won't make any sense if you'll decode them.
• 2 Minigame rooms


• Yolk Face's minigame sprites

These are all of the walking/running/idle animations that Yolk Face will make in his own minigame.
• The 2nd skin for the office

This is just a secondary skin for the office for you to choose in the game
(and if you're wondering. yeah skins will be a thing in the game)
Can't forget to give some credit to my good ol' friend @Sipliy_makasin for helping me out with what kind of random stuff should appear in this office.
Go check him and his games out, he's a really creative jolly fellah.
And thats pretty much it on the sneak peek part. Unfortunately no Redman or Eyesaur poses
• The people who are helping me to make this game.
I also can't forget to mention a small team of mine who are helping me with some stuff for the game:
• @Gabriel_ML and @Valientar
- the people who will be making music and sounds for the game.
• @ComputerError - the minigame sprite artist.
You can also go and check them out and dont forget to show some love for them because without them I wouldn't have made any progress on the game.
• General questions the people are asking on the game.
Are you Jonochrome? because your name is Jonathan and Jonochrome's name is also Jonathan, and your artstyle looks very similar to Jonochrome's art style. So are you Jonochrome?
- No I'm not Jonochrome
Why dont you do weekly updates on Gamejolt like you do on the ONaF 4 Discord server?
- Just to build up more interest on the game in here.
Is the game cancelled?
- No it's still in development.
Does Jonochrome knows about this game?
- Yes he does.
Are there gonna be different endings in the game?
- Yeah kind of.
What made you want to make this game?
- The promise that I made to my friend on making a Flumpty game and because of the Flumpty inspiring dreams.
Does the game have any lore?
- No.
Are you gonna avoid any specific color in this game like Jonochrome did in ONaF 1 and ONaF 2?
- Well in this game I'll try to avoid the color magenta, even though people say "that color doesn't really exist".
Why the new characters?
- Well when planning some of the things out on the game I didn't really plan on adding any new characters in the first place, as the development went on I just couldn't get this feeling away from adding some characters to the game. At first there were just gonna be 2 new characters added to the game - Mr. Bugs and Julaino. as the development continued I wanted to experiment little bit more on the characters part and I thought on adding just 1 more character to the game, and from that I made a little list of characters that could be added to the game" and there were 20 characters on the list to choose from but from all of them I chose The Dealer - a character who would bring some strange clues and also make deals with coins. After some time later a friend of mine on Discord kept on wanting to add more and more characters to the game until the characters number was on 20, but I thought on stopping the characters number at 3 because it was already getting out of hand, but then he made up the idea of Yolk Face, a character who would have a weird looking face with a big strangely smile being honest, back then I didn't really wanted him to be in the game but after a week or so I decided to add him to the game but I changed his name to Yolk Face because "Flumpty Jr." didn't roll of the tongue to well so I renamed him to the first thing that came up to my mind - Yolk Face.
But if you don't like any of them in the game, thats alright I will implement a feature in the game which allows you to turn them off and on whenever you want just for you haters.
Are you gonna make another Flumpty game after you finish this one?
- Probably not.
Is Julaino a girl?
- No, Julaino is a boy.
Are you gonna add more minigames in the game?
- Probably not.
Will there be more characters added to the game?
- No.
Is Empty Bempty gonna serve any important purpose in the game?
- Probably not, he'll just be himself, a little, colorful easter egg.
Are you going to release the demo?
- No, I would rather release the full game because I see that if I will release the demo a lot of people will play it thats for sure. But when the game will be completed, only small percentage of people will play it, so we're aiming to completely finish the game and release it afterwards.
When is the game gonna come out?
- I can't really give a curtain answer to this question because some of the stuff is still not fully finished, because I am the only coder and the artist for the game, but i and my team will try our best to release it in this year but i can't promise anything so just bare with us guys.
• The Discord server
this one is just gonna be an advertisement of somesort you can skip it, it's not that important
You probabaly noticed that I kept on mentioning the Discord server a lot of times in this post.
Which you can join and see some cool stuff on it. Here are some examples of what you will see in the server are:
- Not monthly, but weekly sneak peeks on the game
- A suggestion channel where you can write any stuff you want to see on the upcoming sneak peek
- Unshown teasers for the game
- Different Flumpty characters emoji's
- The Misadventures of Yolk Face comics
- Custom roles
- Some but not many fun facts on the game
- I'm more active there and you can ask me any question you want and ill gladly answer them (as long as they're understandable and readable)
The link to server will be right here click the outlined red words to join the server.
• The general progress of the whole game is about, somewhere at 51%
That's all yolks!
Thanks for reading the post and I'll see you guys next month.