1 day ago
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// TW egg suicide uhnmm uhhh uhmmm
I am cringe i am free @dandysworldpisslvr69420ahhhh
I love seeing my boyfriend talk to his best friend because the difference of how i treat MY best friend to how he treats HIS best friend looks like this
Mmy Dabloonur. Ifyall even care
Tap tap... Is this thing on? Yes? Oh, grand! Incoming notice for all passerbyers!
Me and my sons razzle and dazzle. A collection
//TW egg suicide part 3
Im grinning like a sick bastard whilst making these
//TW egg suicide part 5
Im not letting this man die until he has experiences every inch of pain i can think of
// TW BLOOD, my foot
Why does it keep doing this stop DOING THATYOURE HEALED ALREADY