DALegacy: Press Start to Begin - A DAGames Fan-Game
8 years ago

DALegacy: Joey Hollywood Redux

For those who haven’t noticed, I recently uploaded a version of DALegacy specifically meant for a YouTuber named Joey Hollywood. Anyone who follows DAGames should know who he is, as he was the guy who pitched the #PaperboyOrNothing trend, in which if it got 100 supporters, Will would play Paperboy on the NES. Speaking of such… if it can get up to 200 supporters, Will is gonna play Paperboy 2 next! So give it a look!

Also while you’re at it, check out Joey Hollywood’s playthrough of this version!



Next up

Before Goliath's Requiem reaches it's end, I urge you all to read. This is important.

Status Report 3

Here it is

The Main Artwork for DALegacy: Goliath's Requiem, courtesy of JRaijin

Status Report 2

Soundtrack Report

Panateropta Reveal

Main Story Soundtrack Fully Uploaded! + Side-Quest Update