Day 54: Today I’m sure I thought of an interesting thing to share here. But now I can’t remember it. Oh! it pains me to see this precious knowledge lost forever. It might’ve changed your life. But now, we’ll never know. So let’s try to overcome this tragic loss and focus on what I’ve done. And so, today I:
Did 27 new maps. I won’t list them all. That would be tedious and uninteresting. But I’ll still say some things about it, because that’s the only thing I did today. And so if I just say I did maps. This log entry would be really short. And I know how much you like reading way too long texts on what I do (don’t deny it, I know you) (maybe stop here with the oversized ego jokes for today heh?) (I mean you’re gonna make people believe you actually are like that) (also I just reread that, and it’s not clear at all when I speak to myself and when I speak to the reader). Ha see? Just with my famous parenthesis jokes I managed to gain 5 lines! Okay back to seriousness. I changed my process a bit. Before I would just make every map one after the other without even thinking about the next map. But after a while I completely depleted my inspiration. So I switched to post-it notes and doodled rooms before doing them. This was really useful and time saving. I also got better at using Tiled. But seriously this grunt work is far from being what I love in gamedev.
Wanted to give feedback on reddit gamedev feedback Friday. But after doing all these maps, my brain is like a melted marshmallow. I don’t think I can give valuable feedback in that state. So I decided to do that tomorrow. Even if that means “work” on weekends. It’s a simple time trading. I don’t work on this today, so I can do that tomorrow. no problem.