I keep on forgetting that holiday's an official existence here!!!! Wait???? Is that "Yarnaby"???? I thought he was dead???? Wait???? He was dead around in the 2005s???? And now he's back from the dead 19/20 years later???? When did he brought back to life here from Draxx Dustun Studios and Jax Justun Studios?????? Yarnaby was brought back to life officially from both JJS HQ and DDS HQ back on October 26th, 2024????? Okay then.......Also, is there another thing about Yarnaby that I haven't heard of yet from Draxx Dustun Studios here???? He's an illusion magician and he's also known as "HiyawnaBeey (HID-YAWN-Naw-BEEE)"???? Officially created from DDS HQ on this day back on March 16th, 2007???? Okay then........Hold on a minute here???? Why's there THREE official images/PNGs/versions of Yarnaby here????? There's two passive versions of Yarnaby and one aggressive one!!!!!!!! Do we REALLY need three Yarnabys here?????? Yes??? Of course!!!! OH!!! And he's known to be the official #10thDiscoveryParodyArchiver of Draxx Dustun Studios????? Why did we skipped the #9thDPAmember here?????? Anyways folks, I think we'll save some more future updates here for Experiment-1166 for next time here..........For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! #TheFunNeverEnds!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #CoseyAndCuddley!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #NewBestFriendsYARNABY!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!
(Yarnaby's Official DPA Code Number: 1970-QN90-1166)