Officially brought back to life on January 27th, 2024, we have none other then the official #11thDiscoveryParodyArchiver of Draxx Dustun Studios, meet the official Playtime Co's dinosaur musician known as "Pianosaurus"!!!!! The official dinosaur-like musical instrument-like action figure that's ready for.........Wait a minute here???? THERE'S FOUR OFFICIAL VERSIONS/IMAGES/PNGS OF PIANOSAURUS!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why so many of them...........And for some reason, his official name's like all in caps!!! Or all capital for that matter.......Guess this was because that had like the less screen times from Chapter Four of Poppy Playtime!!!!!! Only like 30 or 15 seconds of screen appearance isn't all that fun to start with!!!!!!! And why on earth do we need FOUR pics here for PIANOSAURUS?????? Maybe it's because he wants to have four times as more screen time then usual here?????
Yeah folks, as you may already seen it by now, this poor old musical dinosaur here from the Playtime Co factory was sadly been eaten by you know who.......And of course, he was officially brought back to life back on Jan. 27th, 2025, from both DDS HQ and Jax Justun Studios!!!!! And of course, Pianosaurus is going to take his official revenge on his 30 crappy seconds of some screen time!!!!! Also, is their an official parody name for Pianosaurus???? Besides getting an official DDS parody form as always??? His official parody name from Draxx Dustun Studios AND Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment was called as "MEOIANOHADJUSAWRUS (ME-AN-NO-Had-Just-SAW-US)"!!!! WELP!!! I've seen enough here folks!!! Wait, he also has his very own personal parody cameo DPA army of Pianosaurus's!!!! Yeah folks, I've seen enough stuff here on this official and first post here on March 19th, 2025, you guys!!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates as always!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #PIANOSAURUSbackBabies!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WeAllJoinedThemCoreRus!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #HeJustDancesForAllOfUs!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!
(PIANOSAURUS's Official DPA Code Number: 1990-KGH9-E1163)