Same as for them communities and realms on GameJolt of course, but now, on March 8th, 2025, the official #5Point1DDSparodyDepiction is finally been completed!!!!!! Not to be confused from the #6thDDSparodyDepiction of course!!!!!! And it's for Mr. Frilmlock's girlfriend/wife in town, known as "Mrs. Frilmlock"!!!!! YEP!!!! That's of course, the official number for her official parody DDS depiction right here folks!!! Umm??? Wait a minute here??? #5.1??? Where's number #6???? I guess there has been a typo here folks.......I have no idea how this had happened!!!!!!! Anyways, created all the way back on August 3rd, 1213, the same and exact moment of time when Mr. Frilmlock was created, say hello to his fellow sister and love of his life known as Mrs. Frilmlock, also known as "Experiment/SCP-783B-A2"!!!!! Yep!!!! Not only that both Haxx Hustun Studios and Jax Justun Studios have two parody-like love birds, but Draxx Dustun Studios also has parody love birds as well too!!!! Doesn't she look beautiful?????
And by the way, yes!!!! Mrs. Frilmlock's just another version of Mr. Frilmlock, but with alternate changes!!!! And why do we keep on saying the exact same things here???? Never mind here!!!! Anyways, what's really interesting about Mrs. Frilmlock here's that she was based on the parody programs on creating official stories and props!!!! And that's all I can say about Mrs. Frilmlock here sadly!!!!! For Mrs. Frilmlock's brother of course, he's the exact same way, but just only with creating official and original movies and shows!!!!! More on all of that for later on!!!! So, what do you all think about this official DDS parody depiction here folks???? Anyways, see you all next time!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #MrsFrilmlockRulezBabbies!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #ResepctThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!
(Tyz. Mypstsvjr huk oly vmmpjphs whyvkf wyvnyhtpunz huk lclyfaopun hyl YLHSSF vu aol whyvkf mypaz zpklz olyl!!!! Tyz. Mypstsvjr dhz ruvdu av il zvtlvul aoha jylhalz zavyplz myvt lepzalujl huk aolu jhu ylavsk puav zvtl hdmbs-sprl whyvkf huk jvtpjhs kpzhzalyz!!!! Tvyl mbabyl bwkhalz vu hss vm aoha zvvuly aolu shaly hz hsdhfz.......Tyz. Mypstsvjr'z dhajopun fvby tvclz if aol dhf.......)