“What does that mean?” you may ask! I use the term Shelved to describe a certain state of a game, in this case it means that the game has been put to one side for one reason or another.
I have decided to shelve it as I have lost interest in making it, I am not cancelling it, i am just taking a break to work on new ideas which excite me.
Sooner or later i will get another rush or creativity for Dead Doors, which will push the development forward at an alarming rate, this is how every other game I have made has been done so far. I feel if i forced myself to work on a game I had lost passion for I would ruin it and wouldn’t care about fixing it as best as i can, it would be more of a mess than it already is…
Currently I am using many assets from dead doors, to make another shooter game, with a different style, I will reveal it when it is in a better state.
So have nothing to fear, Dead Doors is not dead… or rather cancelled, it has just been shelved and will be taken off eventually for a rush or creativity.