After gathering some feedback, I’ve gone ahead and adjusted the game. Thank you so much for giving feedback and helping shape Death Cabin into a better game!
Crate indicator now appears at the 2 second mark so players know earlier where the crate will land.
Small Hellspawns no longer spawn at player’s feet. Giant ones (Bob) still do. This change is made due to the fact that it is hard to see the red indication at the player’s feet.
Possible bug fix to a soft lock highlighted by user Obscenity.
Additional spawning animation added for small Hellspawns. Players do not take damage when colliding with Hellspawns in the spawning animation. This is added in response to too many players running straight into spawning enemies.

The latest version of the game is available now for download (v1.0.1)! I’ll be counting on everyone to continue helping me make Death Cabin bigger and better =)
Thank you!