Let me introduce you too…
Mickey Mancreas!
(Meaning Man-Pancreas), Mick is just a happy go lucky friend who likes to keep all the organs getting along, and especially tries his best to appease the Big Brainer.Speaking of which…
Big Brainer!
The captain of this ship, this no nonsense fun sponge takes her job very seriously, and has no time for all the chicanery the rest of the body entails
DRIVE!!!!(said in a very cool voice)
Drive is the beating heart of the body (literally) but despite his hulking appearance, he’s the chilliest member of their group, championing love, ski diving and motorcycles
The disgruntled janitor, Intestilleto cleans up after all the mess everyone else makes, and will make sure to say it like it is when things hit the fan
A eccentric hippie, Zen loves to preach the Benefits of new age spirituality and breathing exercises, even holding weekly clubs for the group. She makes for a very welcoming figure on the team, even if her unconventional methods sometimes backfire
The second member of the Lung sisters, Smoke is much less friendly than her counterpart. She’s a crotchety, impatient crabapple ,not wanting to be there at all, but she knows how to keep her sister in check when sentimentality gets the best of her
And lastly…Thyroid.
Thyroid is bluntly put a loser, And a sore one at that.Think of all the negative traits you associate with the word “gamer…” and that’s him wrapped up in a lil bag, with a side of narcissism and entitlement to boot.