2 years ago

Decided to make more realistic texture maps for the ksp planets (except kerbin) for modder to use maybe, hope you guys like it



Next up

So, a while ago, i asked an AI (Dalle mini/Craiyon) to make Planet 9 (a hypothetical planet beyond neptune) and it's possible moons, then i made a map of planet nine, i hope you like it i guess

The sights of hell brings it's viewers back in...

The only surviving images of the lost disney short from 1926, Suicide Mouse

(Some SuicideMouse.AVI art i made)

Suicidemouse.AVI art remade

Ksp 2 Kerbolar System

(1st image is the normal, 3nd image is rearanged to be more like real life and adding Glumo from DebDeb)

After 74736374836374837474.1987 years, the FNAF movie poster released

Some images and stuff for any Suicidemouse.AVI projects you may want to make, free to use!

No context

Ive been wondering, is it possible that Puf is really a moon of Ovin in KSP 2?

What do you think?