Hello every one happy 2nd week of Dee Dee simulater! And ive got some news!
So obviously its "next week" and no game ounce again I said this month (so sorry : ( ) the reason behind it is a nasty last second bug. IT WAS IN FINAL TESTING! How ever i'm looking into it and it will hopefully be fixed soon!
Just to announce a new character is coming to Dee Dee simulater! his/her name is is helper guy/gal 3000! A very kind VOLUNTEER to the Dee Dee Sim. cast! (definitely not being held hostage in Fredbears Family Dinner's basement.) How ever there not in the game YET. He/she still needs a voice! So if your up for the challenge or want to voice one of many vibrant characters here is a link and I bid you good luck : )
The vote is in and thank you for every one who voted! You guys seem to love RULE 3 or have fun. If you thought this was a tad strange its because it was...Each rule represented a ending to Dee Dee sim. Depending on witch one was voted for the most is witch ending I would tell you how to get!
Rule 3 or have fun is the Normal Ending. To get it you must listen to everything Fredbear tells you pretty easy and is probably the ending you will receive ; )
Make sure to look out for more votes like this they will most likely be more important then you think!
And with that being said thank you for being so patient and I hope you enjoyed reading ; )