It's Nocturnum here.
I originally predicted that this game would likely get a Christmas or New Years release date. This prediction was way off, as the team has been experiencing some setbacks.
Unfortunately, there has been some technical issues that have risen among two members of the team, the games main programmer and our graphic helper. This is why we've been quiet for so long, as these things have halted our progress for the time being. Basically we've been on hiatus for a while now.
The games MFA was nearly completely lost yesterday due to our programmers computer dying out of nowhere. If the MFA was lost, all of the programming we had done for the game (about 85% of the game is done programming wise) would have been erased. Luckily the MFA was recovered.
We've been trying our best to progress with what we have currently, so please understand why we've been quiet. Don't assume the game is dead or cancelled. We'll eventually be back on our feet.
Thank you all for being understanding and patient. Until next time.