Hi there!
Yes, we’re alive! Hahaha…
Sorry for this long silence, we’re in a delicate stage of the development and all our efforts are focused in the game. But we want tell you the status of the project.
Tha game is finished, as you know we have a beta version about one month ago and we are fixing all bugs and polishing some graphical features. Sincerely this part of the development is very tedious but very important for the game, for this reason we are being very meticulous. We want to publish the game but we also want to provide the best possible gaming experience with the best possible quality and this is not easy ;-)
Unfortunately the initial release date is not possible and we currently have no new release date. We are working very hard to make this date is as soon as possible, be patient.
Thanks to all of you for your support and be sure that the game will be release this year 2015 :D
We will continue posting news here and in our social accounts, stay tuned.