We have released a small update for our arcade space shooter Delta Loop (Windows and Linux versions). Here’s the complete list of what’s new in this patch:
New features / Enhancements:
You can now start the game on Stage 4 and Stage 8 once you reach them in any difficulty mode. A new starting point will be unlocked every four beaten stages.
A few extra graphical effects have been added to the game HUD.
A new “Minimalist HUD” mode has been added. It will only display the bare minimum information you need to play the game. Give it a try if you feel the normal HUD is too cluttered

You can now change the control method (mouse/gamepad) and the HUD type on the fly, in the Pause menu.

Life bars have been reworked to make them look smoother and reflect the inflicted damage.

Misc. Changes:
The maximum ammo for the “Heavy Bomb” and “Chaingun” weapons have been raised to 20 and 500, respectively.
Score and money values are now shown with thousand separators.
The text font in the HINTS section has been modified a bit to make it more easily readable.
Fixed a bug in the “barrier drone” enemy that caused the game to crash under certain rare conditions.
Fixed some misplaced text in the HINTS menu.
Fixed a bug that forced the user to press ESC to unpause the game when using the “SKIP BONUS” option.
We hope you have a good time playing Delta Loop. Please visit our main site if you want to see our other works and/or support us by making a small donation. That way we’ll be able to keep developing new games and updating our existing ones to make them even better!