Hey everyone! Things have been pretty EVENT-ful this past month regarding the game, so I felt now would be a good time to write an update about it.
Game Progress
So right now, I think we're getting very close to the half way mark for the section. In terms of how far along we are into adding in content from the AU, negating the Ruins, we're currently completely done with content from Episode 4 of GG!UNDERFELL, and around 30-40% done with content from Episode 5. I'm hoping by the end of this month we'll either be done with it, or have already started on Episode 6 content, but school is starting back up soon, so don't count on it.
That being said, it's time to bring out the percentages...

Section 3: GG!UNDERFELL - 35%
Enemies - 31%
Hi-jinx and Puzzles - 40%
The Secret - 10%
Final Boss - 0%
End Section Intermission - 7%
Map - 0%
Minigame - 25%
Intermission end - 0%
v3.00 Completeness - 25%
Release Readiness - 0%
For those wondering why the end section minigame is so far ahead, that's something that TheFamiliarScoot has been working on. Regarding what it is, I'm keeping that a secret for release :)
UNDEREVENT 2022 was last month, and had a lot of cool stuff to show. Among the really awesome and creative projects shown was Deltatraveler jutting out, showing arguably way too much. We decided to show a teensy weensy bit of every section of the game. All of the new content shown in the trailer were pretty much prototypes, and most of them still are.
Why not show just Section 3, you may ask? Well have you forgotten how short Snowdin is in Undertale? Plus, we're figuring out that the section is more narrative driven than Section 2, so I feel showing too much of it might be spoiling too much. I feel that aside from maybe the final part with Section 8, we didn't spoil anything that we wanted to keep secret. Hell, I think what we had shown raises more questions than answers.
If you want a taste of what each section might be like, take a looksie at the trailer. And obviously, if you want to stay completely blind to future content of the game, don't watch the trailer.
Section 3 Teaser
Because of how far along Section 3 has gotten in a short amount of time, I decided to whip up a teaser for the section. It just shows the first cutscene and battle. The thumbnail also teases a bit of the promo art for the section, which was drawn by yours truly. You can watch that here.
That's kind of it for now. If you're wondering why I'm so hyperfocused on working on the game despite expressing that I wanted to work on videos, well... making Episode 6 of GG!UNDERFELL is kind of intertwined with DELTATRAVELER Section 3 now. So by doing this, I'm also working on a new episode of the series as well.
I'm unsure if I'll have enough to post a new devlog soon, but we'll see. In any case, I'll see y'all then!
- Sarah