Hello everyone! I've got an update for y'all about the game's progress. I don't have too much to write about, but I will say: I just got out of school for the next few months, so I should be able have more time to work on the game. Hopefully I don't get burnt out as I approach the more effort-requiring parts of section 2 (fingers crossed).
Game Progress
There has been quite a bit of progress since the last update, and especially over the last week. Section 2 progress has started again after like 3 months of inactivity. The next area (Lilliput Steps Cavern) is about to start being developed, soooo... very close to reaching the end. Hard Mode is almost completed and just needs polishing, extra dialogue, and some graphics. You won't be able to experience hard mode before Section 2 is out, though, but you can see a little bit of it, as well as an unrelated Section 2 screenshot.
Section 2: Earthbound - 70%
Peaceful Rest Valley - 100%
Happy Happy Village - 95%
Lilliput Steps Cavern - 20%
Section boss - 5%
Hard Mode - 95%
Introduction - 100%
Dialogue Changes - 90%
Enemy Programming - 100%
Ending - 90%
v2.00 Completeness - 70%
Release Readiness - 0%
That's it for now. Sorry about this being a short one, I just don't have much to write about right now. BUT MAYBE NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!