Crash Bandicoot Reimagined
4 years ago

Demo delayed (again)...

Hi! So yeah I still couldn't get the demo out for you on May and I hate to disappoint you guys. I didn't touch the project almost at all the whole month and I don't seem to find any time for this project. So yeah I don't know If the demo will be released this month or on July but I don't want to make any promises and I'm not gonna hurry with this. Don't worry I'll still release it at some point :D

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Next up

I regret nothing

Decided to try making a digital portrait for a change

Did some face angle practices

Grimly (Grim Reaper) [Crash Bandicoot]- Joltober

Day 12

Uraraka (I'm making way too many portraits)

Tried a slightly different style for this portrait

30-minute challenge portraits

Dr. Neo Cortex (Mad Scientist) [Crash Bandicoot]- Joltober

Day 9

This took a while, but I'm pretty happy with the result