2 months ago

Demo release are coming at this year!

I want to let all of you be 100% sure about:

The images from this game, it's from other FNAF, and fan verse textures images, because all of this, it's just to guide, help me how it can be look like on the blender

(Like a scratch)

Don't worry about, cuz the full game (in the future when I finish the images on blender for the game) can be released on this year

1 comment


Next up

Coming Soon

FNAEF'S Reimagined On PC And For Android

The Security Office (ignore the pink thing, it's just a missing texture of celebrate poster)

🆕New Post From Estevam2008_animator🆕:

The Map It's Still In W.i.p

(Yep, i remade the snae map [Six night's at estevam's])

All the credits of those models

go to the respective owners of it

I hope y'all like it👍🏾

🆕👾New Post From Estevam2008_animator's Gamejolt Account👾🆕:

Heyo Guys, I'm am officially back here at my gamejolt's account

Sorry if i wasn't active here" i had alot of irl stuffs i have to do

A Pre W.ip of Minigames:

Game progress: (60%)

I don't know why... but click on this video⬇️

FNAEF'S Reimagined 2: Part And Services Room



Toy Chica Gamer Kawaii (My GF)




Bonnie The Bunny

Credits: FNAF: Scott Cawthon

Model: Scott, Steel WoolStudios

Fix: Thudner

Port SFM: Mountroid

Splinks R.Gaming

Today It's My Birthday Guys!!!

I'm 14 Years Old!

Hello Guys It's Me =)

I Change My Profile Now

FNAEF's 1 Model Showcase: Coming Soon..... On Day 13/10 (My Birthday Special, 14 Years Old!)

Link Of The Vídeo: https://youtu.be/npMInRq8uiE