World of Freaking Goo
5 days ago

Demo Update! (+ World of Freaking Goo 2 Info)

More of a quick bonus on the demo than anything major, however I do want to make some promises about the demo, that I've decided recently, and thus some of the stuff I said in today's progress update isn't entirely true anymore, sorry, sorry!

So, what's this about then? Well, for starters, My Focus is on finishing this Demo and getting it out, at the earliest? Today If I cram really hard, at the latest, Probably in December, The Point is, You won't have to wait till 2025 to get a taste of that World of Freaking Goo Action!

Also, While yes, the Demo will always, at its core, most likely not be a perfect representation of what the final game is gonna be like, if anything major happens and the demo and the final product become nearly unrecognizable from one another, then i'll give you guys an update to the demo, it will stay Chapter 1, to stay true to the REAL World of Goo Demo, so no Freebee Chapter 2 or anything like that, Just Chapter 1 is releasing Early, Though, The Full Game Probably won't be THAT far behind, thought It will depend on motivation and how ambitious I am.

Once the Full Game is out, the Chapter 1 Demo will be taken down from this page, as it will host the full game, I thought about keeping both up, but this implies that its gonna be a paid project, which its not, I will allow the Demo to be archived, just not on gamejolt, just, save it on a google drive or something, Archival is important but I don't want traction on something that is just 1/5th of my game yknow?

Also, as this is a bonus update, I might as well give an Update on World of Freaking Goo 2 while I'm at it, World of Freaking Goo 2 isn't gonna enter development till AFTER this is finished, theres... some good and bad news about it too. the uh, good news is that I do want to make the game, and have plenty of ideas for it! I want it to exist just as much as this one, trust me, there's even gags and jokes prepared for the game too (It hasn't taken up any of World of Freaking Goo's development time, Don't worry), however, the bad news is, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up for a completed Duology of this silly fnafb fan game thing, World of Freaking Goo is GOING to happen, I have everything I need for it, and making it is still just as easy as I remember it to be, however, World of Freaking Goo 2 isn't, and thats for a couple of reasons;

  • World of Goo 2, While their website download is DRM free, it doesn't lay out all of its images and puts em up for grabs, probably because the levels and environments are made out of like, Goo (This is real you can look this up for yourself), and not Images like the first game was, So its either the Screenshot approach, Modded/Hacked Version with the Goo Removed Screenshot approach, or I use what little Images ARE in the files and do it how I did World of Freaking Goo 1

  • I'm basically starting from Scratch, Minus like, the Returning World of Freaking Goo 1 Members, Not to mention how much more work WILL have to go into environments and graphical stuff to even match the level of polish World of Freaking Goo 1 is going to have, Given how much more graphical niceness is in World of Goo 2. World of Freaking Goo 2 should at least TRY and match it, yknow?

  • World of Goo 2 has both simultaneously more and less content than World of Goo, It's been kinda difficult to like, know what I want to do with World of Freaking Goo 2 that doesn't also feel like I'm gimping people out content that SHOULD be there, or make the game feel smaller than the first, because, while World of Goo 2 feels bigger than World of Goo despite lacking some stuff, World of Freaking Goo 2 would almost certainly feel smaller than World of Freaking Goo without some of the stuff World of Freaking Goo/World of Goo has that World of Goo 2/World of Freaking Goo 2 doesn't/wouldn't have in it, this is such a specific issue I understand but if you're even any bit aware of like, the full extent of either World of Goo game's content, You'll understand what I mean.

  • I don't, have a full grasp on World of Goo 2 yet like I do with World of Goo, And no, its not the OCD Flags, While Missing alot in 2 and have all in 1, its more about, what makes World of Goo 2, World of Goo 2, and how to translate that perfectly into World of Freaking Goo 2 like I do with World of Goo into World of Freaking Goo.

  • This ones lame but it is a real concern of mine, We uh, aren't even sure if World of Goo 2 is... done? There's been some credible sources going around that say there might be like, DLC or whatever for the game, a ton of Unused Content and a supposed announcement from the devs sorta confirm this, but for anything concrete we don't know, This is like, the last thing i'm worried about and is the least likely to actually IMPACT the game unless, there is gonna be actual DLC, if there is, I'm unsure if it's gonna just be included into the base of World of Freaking Goo 2 or also be Free DLC for it as well, It just, depends.

This isn't to say that World of Freaking Goo 2 isn't going to happen, I want it to so so badly, but I want to be realistic here, and I still need to make World of Freaking Goo. Plus the above. I'm going to at least TRY, I can promise that.

Anyways, I hope you're excited for the World of Freaking Goo Demo! It'll hopefully be great! See you then, -Madeline_Nikki (Bridget)



Next up

World of Freaking Goo DLC Confirmed. 1 Confirmed pack and 2 planned but not certain. I know that the full game isn't even out yet but I wanted to share this before i finished it, because i might forget to share it.

updated logo. more flashy ness and less blandness

If you couldn't tell yet, WOFG turned one year old Yesterday, so for the next couple of months i'm going to celebrate its one year anniversary. nothing that i have made before has made it this long, thank you all for supporting it.

holy shit.

Do I Need to publicly make it clear that i put in a level cap? apparently I do so uh, here it is.

Might as well tell you one of the games, play CC because it's my inspiration for this. The MV edition of WOFG 1. the others will all get remastered. Each Game will now have new endings, I.E, kinda like 3 but not. 3 wont get new endings.

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

We are under attack!

Another house i made long time ago.