Better take a seat, cuz this is a big one!
Here's the shortened one
New Map (FazerBlast)
New Character (S.T.A.F.F. Bot)
A new Custom Character feature! (Early/Rough)
So let's tackle them in order!

A whole new map based around the Fazer Blast arena in Security Breach.
This is possibly the largest map in Descrapped so far. With multiple levels to help you move around the area!

With this map, I expanded the distance fog so you can see twice as far as you could with other maps. Along with that, I have enabled Bloom to help with the glowing effects of the walls around the map.
Inside this map is multiple sections designed slightly different!
Explore the grid that is the green area for a classic experience, the randomness of the red/yellow area, or the openness of the blue area!
The S.T.A.F.F. Bot

Taking a base off of the Staff bots of Security Breach, these bots do not chase you. Instead, they will immediately Jumpscare you.
As a trade for this, the Staff Bots have a very short line of sight.
A Customizable Fazbear!

Though very rough and at a very early point in development at a moment, You can now enjoy creating your own customizable Fazbear characters.
Other than just changing their fur color, you can pick if you want them to teleport, chase after you (hostile), and if they can blind you if you look at them (Hallucinate)
This feature will be expanded on in future updates.
Enjoy the update and let me know of any bugs you find!