The main character for our demo, Shoutai: Possession | Chaos Theory, is a primary school student by the name of Chou. H’s a spunky kid, which comes in handy as you navigate through a section of Shoutai forest that we’re releasing for the demo.
I looked up some elementary uniforms from Japan (where this game takes place), and stumbled upon a cute jumper design. I thought a jumper would be great (it shows off the ‘kiddie’ quality I wanted), and paired with his big eyes it would show off his age (currently, 10). I also added a sort of sailor element to his outfit, but it was really brought out by the Art Director, Mikael, who colored it in such a way that it really left an impression of cuteness. It helps to balance out his “maturity”… which you’ll see in the game! You can check out Chou’s picture in the below post or in our media file.
Stick with us to check out more on the progression of Shoutai!